Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find our current rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.

Category Rate Monthly minimum gallons Monthly excess after minimum
Residential $11.00 7,500 $1.10 per thousand
Agriculture $11.00 7,500 $1.10 per thousand
Business $15.50 5,000 $1.75 per thousand
Industry $60.00 5,000 $6.00 per thousand
Commercial $75.00 5,000 $8.50 per thousand
Water Truck Fill Up $30.00 Up to 5,000 gallons per load  
Water Truck Fill Up 1 $40.00 Over 5,000gallons a load  


An additional $1.00 fee per active meter is charged each month that is sent to the State of Louisiana for the Safe Drinking Water Program.

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